General Information

  • Students are expected to maintain decorum in the school. A student must extend due courtesy and respect to all members of staff. Respect of elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Every child is expected to uphold the name & honour of the school.
  • Talking loudly, loitering, congregating in the corridor, being a source of disturbance/annoyance to others is not permitted. Use of abusive language/passing filthy or vulgar comments will invite stern action immediately.
  • Late arrival and early departure at or from School will be recorded as an absence from the school.
  • It is misdemeanour to interfere with any apparatus or enter any lab/room other than directed.
  • Tools and other machinery must be left in good order after use. If damaged, the fact must be immediately reported for necessary action. Respect for school property and school belongings is an absolute must.
  • The students at the School need to cultivate the qualities of focus and intelligence. A students neglecting his/her studies and showing unsatisfactory progress will be given warnings after which, if he/she fails to improve, will be liable for expulsion from the institution.
  • Any kind of indiscipline by the student will not be tolerated and a strict action shall be taken against the defaulters.
  • Students shall observe all safety precautions. The institution is not responsible for accidents of any nature in the School, workshop and playground/workplace.
  • After entering the School premises, students will not be allowed to go home during the School hours. If at all the need arises, the student must obtain a written permission from the Principal.
  • During the change of periods, the monitor is authorised to mind the class with due sense of keeping the Classes and School premises neat and clean. They should not disfigure the walls, scatter things on the floor or indulge in unhygienic and objectionable practices.
  • Damage to any School property e.g. sanitary fitments in the toilets/washrooms or furniture in the class rooms must be attended to by the offender.