Important Instructions

  • Kindly fill the required information in your ward's diary (on all the pages).
  • Parents are requested to ensure that children's text and exercise books are correctly covered, labelled and brought to School as per the School time table. Bag should be properly maintained.
  • Students must carry handkerchief and napkin daily.
  • Any change in Address / Phone / Mobile should be intimated to the Class In-charge promptly by way of a letter addressed to the Principal or to the Class In-charge.
  • Make sure that your ward comes to School in proper uniform daily. Students are expected to come in School uniform during the PTMs as well.
  • Your ward must reach the School on time (No Student will be allowed to enter the School Gate after the bell).
  • No written exam will be taken before or after the stipulated date. (No request in this regard will be entertained).
  • No exemption will be granted for any of the examinations except on medical ground.
  • Kindly send three passport size photographs of your ward in School uniform for handing over to the Class In-charge.
  • Parents are requested to ensure that the students bring their tiffns in the morning. In the interest of security, tiffin/lunch packets and water bottles sent later will not be accepted. Kindly avoid sending non vegetarian food in your ward's tiffin.
  • Kindly deposit your ward's fee in the Bank by 10th of first month of every quarter. Late fee will be charged @ Rs 30/- per day after due date till the last day of that month. If the fee remains unpaid as on 1st day of the next month, the Student will be struck-off strength and if still interested, the parent will have to apply for a re-admission with normal admission fee. Parents are requested not to approach the Principal regarding the same. No applications with regard to waiver of fine will be entertained.
  • The School diary is an important link between parents and the Class Teacher. It must be seen and signed by the parents daily.
  • Parents must ensure that their wards are regular, punctual, properly dressed and always carry School diary with them.
  • Leave applications for absence upto three days should be addressed to the Class Teacher and for more than three days to the Principal.
  • Medical leave must be accompanied by a medical certificate. No short leave for family celebrations like birthdays, engagements etc. will be granted during School hours.
  • No short leave will be granted to XI and XII students for coming late to School on grounds of private tuitions etc.
  • Parents are requested to discourage their wards from using private cars, scooters etc. for coming to the School.
  • No friends or acquaintance may be directed on behalf of parents to visit their ward (s) during School hours. No plea will be entertained.
  • Parents are requested not to send their ward to school if he/she complains of sickness or is su?ering from any infectious disease.
  • All the School dues must be paid in time.
  • Parents are requested not to visit the class rooms directly to meet the teachers or their ward during the School hours. Report at the reception in case of any emergency.
  • Admission number of the ward must be mentioned in all correspondence with the School.
  • Students are not expected to bring any money to School.
  • Valuables are not allowed in the School premises and the School is not responsible for any loss or damage. Children are not permitted to wear any jewellery in School. If they are found doing so, it will be confiscated.
  • Bringing mobile to School is strictly prohibited. Strict action may be taken against the child, including confiscation of the mobile set.
  • Please note that your Child must carry ID card, be in proper uniform for the day and must be well groomed, with nails trimmed. Carrying a handkerchief and a napkin to School every day, is mandatory for every student. In case of a default, an entry will be made in the Student's Diary. After three such endorsement in a month, a fine of Rs. 5/- will be levied for every continuous default.
  • No child is allowed to come to School in his/her self drive, personal car, Students not in possession of proper driving licence and helmets aren't allowed to bring two wheelers either. Kindly cooperate in enabling the School, to maintain due decorum.